Jennifer Raffan

Jennifer’s ear­li­est mem­o­ry of hav­ing a psy­chic expe­ri­ence was as a child of about 8 years old. As she grew up, the “know­ing” became sec­ond nature, and her abil­i­ties in clairau­di­ence, clair­voy­ance, and medi­umship devel­oped. As a child, it seemed per­fect­ly nat­ur­al to see, and hear ghosts. Her desire to fur­ther her abil­i­ties moti­vat­ed her to seek out teach­ers in Cana­da, the US and UK.

Jen­nifer pro­vides an insight­ful read­ing using her medi­umship, psy­chic abil­i­ties and Tarot to pro­vide mes­sages and direc­tion on issues relat­ed to career, love life, or oth­er con­cerns. As a medi­um she often brings mes­sages from spir­it guides, friends and fam­i­ly that have passed over to assist you on your life jour­ney. As an ener­gy heal­er, she is often able to clear out old ener­gy, iden­ti­fy blocks, and help a client move for­ward in life. Her grow­ing clien­tele includes clients in both the US and Canada.


VIA EMAIL [email protected]
 Read­ings are avail­able via Skype and Phone.