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April 13, 2012 Con­nect­ing with your Spir­it Guide at The Hedge Witch Sharon Ontario

May 4, 2012 Tea Leaf Read­ings at The Hedge Witch Sharon, ON

Con­tact­ing the Dead: Just Anoth­er Day at the Office 

Toron­to Medi­ums Raise Spir­its for Halloween

Toron­to, Octo­ber 30, 2010 —  It is not unusu­al for medi­ums Seli­na Khan and Jen­nifer Raf­fan to talk to Spir­its as part of their every­day jobs.  Both have been con­tact­ing the dead since they were children.

The Spir­its come through to us with guid­ance or some­times just to say, “Hi”. Says Seli­na Khan Founder of Toron­to Psy­chic Ser­vices.  Most peo­ple believe that their fam­i­ly mem­bers in spir­it can’t hear them, she adds.

Peo­ple often come to find out what a depart­ed par­ent thinks about a cur­rent rela­tion­ship or impend­ing deci­sion, the mes­sages that are com­mu­ni­ca­tion often allow them to move for­ward in their lives”, says Toron­to Medi­um Jen­nifer Raffan.

Although they help peo­ple con­nect dai­ly as part of their pri­vate prac­tices, they believe that  Hal­loween is a per­fect time to re-unite peo­ple because of the height­ened pub­lic aware­ness in para­nor­mal activ­i­ty at this time of year.

To cel­e­brate this spe­cial time of year the two have orga­nized a tra­di­tion­al sceance to take place at Hart House.  They have assem­bled a group of medi­ums from Cana­da and the US to take part in what they hope will become and annu­al event.

On Octo­ber 30th, Seli­na and Jen­nifer will be host­ing a pub­lic event where par­tic­i­pants have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get a psy­chic read­ing, learn more about the spir­it world, and wit­ness a séance.  Some par­tic­i­pants will receive mes­sages from fam­i­ly and friends in spir­it.  They will also be able to expe­ri­ence medi­ums chan­nel­ing through spir­it in trance and plat­form-style medi­umship.  More infor­ma­tion is avail­able at:

For more infor­ma­tion or to book an inter­view with Seli­na Khan, please con­tact: Toron­to Psy­chic Ser­vices, (416) 855‑5712, [email protected] or with Jen­nifer Raf­fan, please con­tact: (416) 816.8359,

There is a huge belief that spir­its are trapped between our world and theirs and Every­day is a great day to con­tact Spir­its but Hal­loween is espe­cial­ly so because of all of the cul­tur­al tra­di­tions sur­round­ing the hol­i­day, says Jen­nifer Raf­fan, Toron­to Psy­chic and Medium.

Seli­na says, often receiv­ing con­fir­ma­tion of the after­life brings com­fort to peo­ple and puts their minds at ease.  Jen­nifer adds, that the abil­i­ty to receive mes­sages, or advice from their loved ones in Spir­it allows peo­ple to main­tain their connection.
