
A read­ing is about you.  We are seek­ing psy­chic or chan­neled mes­sages from your spir­it guides, fam­i­ly mem­bers or friends that may have passed.  The infor­ma­tion that comes through is to empow­er you to move for­ward in your life.  The mes­sages, which are chan­neled, are yours to do with what you choose, it is your life, your ener­gy and we read the path that you are on.  If you wish to be on anoth­er path, the mes­sages that we share can be used by you to cre­ate a new future, to empow­er you to make choices.

A Tarot read­ing pro­vides us with the same infor­ma­tion and a medi­u­mistic read­ing. The Tarot is sim­ply anoth­er tool in our psy­chic tool­box to assist in bring­ing through mes­sages about your path.  Many intu­itive peo­ple like to have a Tarot read­ing as they find insight in the cards that are turned.  At my first Tarot read­ing as a young woman (the read­er lat­er became one of my most adored teach­ers), the read­er gave me a ter­rif­ic read­ing, but as she turned the cards, I was also receiv­ing medi­u­mistic mes­sages about oth­er sit­u­a­tions in my life. These mes­sages, which I shared with her, helped me gain not a good read­ing, but a ter­rif­ic read­ing by pro­vid­ing her with the “psy­chic” hits that I was receiving.

Are you curi­ous about a job sit­u­a­tion, love life, career, finances, of per­haps fam­i­ly issues?  Then give me a call, let’s get some insight for you, and empow­er you with infor­ma­tion to pro­pel you forward.

Please note: Read­ings are via Skype and over the phone, and I pay the long distance. 


15 Minute Read­ing — 30.00 Cdn

This read­ing is designed for peo­ple seek­ing an answer to a spe­cif­ic ques­tion. Because of the short length of time, please have your ques­tion ready to address so that we can make the most of the read­ing time.

Book Your Read­ing BEFORE Sub­mit­ting Payment

30 Minute Read­ing — 55.00 Cdn

An insight­ful 30 min­utes to address what’s on your mind.  A nag­ging ques­tion about love, career, life or where to put your ener­gy?  To make the most of your read­ing time it is best to have your ques­tions ready.

Book Your Read­ing BEFORE Sub­mit­ting Payment

60 Minute Read­ing — 95.00 Cdn.

A full 60 minute read­ing where we can look at a num­ber of issues. These read­ings are record­ed and put on a CD which is either giv­en to you in per­son or mailed to you after the ses­sion.  You may sub­mit ques­tions in advance or have them ready for the ses­sion. For ses­sions not con­duct­ed in per­son, you are wel­come to record the read­ing on your end.

I cur­rent­ly accept Secure Pay­ment Through Pay­Pal.  Con­tact me for an appoint­ment date via phone or email PRIOR to mak­ing pay­ment.  Read­ings are also avail­able through SKYPE.

 Book A Read­ing  TODAY and Get Start­ed on a New Path.